DayZ Wiki

Commonly used Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms for DayZ Standalone (DayZ SA) as opposed to the DayZ Mod.


  • Aggro - referred to NPC, which enter a state of aggressiveness in which they will chase and attack a player.
  • BB - stands for Blood Bags, used to restore Blood
  • Friendly Dance - It involves using the Q and E buttons repeatedly to lean left and right, to "wiggle" your body to show someone that you are a Friendly with no hostile intent.
  • Loot - Weapons, food, ammo, or gear that you can find.
  • KoS - "Kill on Sight". The act of killing other players immediately without bothering to find out if they are friendly or what their intentions.
  • LoS - "Line of Sight"
  • Zombie, Zed - Common slang for infected individual that craves living flesh.

Players and Play styles

  • Bambi/Noob - Players who just started out and does not know the fundamentals. They usually have no good gear or supplies on them, and have no idea where they are or what they are supposed to be doing.
  • Bandit - Players who hunt down and kill other players for the fun of it. Often they will just Kill on Sight.
  • Friendly - Players who have no hostile intentions towards you, as opposed to Bandits who only want to kill you.
  • Hero - Friendly players, who help other players e.g. kill Bandits, help Bambies get gear, or save Bambies from Zeds.


  • Cherno - shorthand for Chernogorsk, the largest city in Chernarus.
  • Novo - shorthand for Novodmitrovsk, the second largest city in Chernarus.
  • Elektro - shorthand for Elektrovadsk, the third largest city in Chernarus.
  • Svetlo - shorthand for Svetlojarsk, A major city in Chernarus.
  • NWAF - Northwest Airfield, the International Airfield.
  • NEAF - Northeast Airfield, Krasnostav Airstrip.
  • BAF - Balota Airfield, Balota Airstrip.


  • Hardcore Server - A type of server on which you cannot use 3rd person view.
  • Low Pop \ High Pop - Refer to low/High population servers.


  • Hacker - Player who uses hacks to get ahead of all other players by cheating.
  • Combat Logging - when a player who is about to loose in combat, logs out.
  • Ghosting - when you see someone on one Server, then you hop to another server and get to a location behind where that person was, then you hop back to the original server, appearing in a strategic position behind that person, and killing them.
  • Server Hopping - the act of switching from Server to Server to get better loot.