DayZ Wiki

Note: this page covers the Standalone version of DayZ; for information on the Mod, see Mod:Servers.

Although DayZ Standalone is only in Alpha, thousands of servers already exist for players to use.

DayZ servers are all connected to a central database called The Hive which allows your player to persist from one server to the next although vehicles and tents remain on the server where discovered.

Server Naming Convention

Current naming format:

DayZ LOCATION ID (Public of Private/Skill Level) VERSION - hosted by Customtext

Alternative format with city:

DayZ LOCATION ID City (Public of Private/Skill Level) VERSION - hosted by Customtext


  • The location is a two-character country code. (US, DE, UK, SE, etc)
  • The city which is optional indicates where the server is physically hosted.
  • The version and beta indicate the necessary DayZ version.
  • Public of Private determines who can join the game. Private requires a password.
  • Skill level determines what players should join the server.
  • Trailing information indicates the provider of the server.


  • DayZ DE 1-125 (Public/Veteran) 113466 - Hosted by X

Server Lists
