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Water is a core character stat in DayZ, which represents the character's current hydration levels through intake of water.

As with Energy, hydration is lost through one's metabolism at all times, a process that is increased with activity exertion. This means that it must be constantly replenished in order to remain alive and not become dehydrated. This is done through consuming food and drink or by using a IV Saline Bag on yourself.

Overview[ | ]

Range UI Indicator Water Amount Effects
Maximum 5,000
3,500 - 5,000 None
800 - 3,499 None
Minimum 0
300 - 799 None
1 - 299 Dehydration
Starting 500
0 Dehydration

(as above)

Water is vital for the long-term maintenance of a character. Hydrated Survivors are less liable to the effects of dehydration, and maintaining a healthy water intake keeps blood regeneration rates high as a result of a good blood-water content. At one of the lowest starting values of the core character stats, giving attention to your water level at all times is necessary.

Losing Water[ | ]

As in real life, water is constantly required due to a character's metabolic system which means that, as water is transferred to the stomach, it is also expelled and used for bodily function. Therefore, similar to Energy, it is one of the few character stats that will not remain constant.

Player Actions[ | ]

Lost through varying degrees of exertion, a Survivor's water levels are affected by their activeness, as seen below.

Player Action Water Loss*
per second
Idle 0.01-0.02
Walking 0.10-0.20
Jogging 0.30-0.60
Sprinting 0.60-1.20

* The loss rate depends on the current hydration level of the Survivor. At 100% level, the loss is highest, and at >0%, the lowest.

Conditions[ | ]

 Main Article: Illness & Disease

Certain diseases and illnesses can provoke additional water loss atop the Survivor's natural metabolism.

Condition Water Loss
Per second Vomit
Cholera 0.05-0.50* 450
Salmonellosis - 450

* Water loss is influenced by how far the disease has progressed.

Temperature[ | ]

SurvivorCold 1a

Extreme temperatures cause dehydration.

 Main Article: Temperature

At very hot temperatures, one's hydration levels are constantly depleted in addition to the background usage. This is likely due to the evaporation of sweat or lack of humidity causing a loss of water.

Temperature Water Loss*
per second
Very Hot 0.40
Hot 0-0.40
Cold 0
Very Cold 0

* Water loss can be influenced by other factors and is an approximation.

Effects[ | ]

Dehydration[ | ]

Dehydration occurs as a result of a low water level. At less than 300 water, Health is lost at a rate of 0.02 per second. This continues until the character dies of dehydration or replenishes their fluids above this threshold.

Stomach[ | ]

Regeneration[ | ]

 Main Article: Blood

A Survivor's water levels affect how quickly they can regenerate lost blood. The water and energy levels act as multipliers to a final blood recovery rate as seen below.

Blood Regen*
per second
Water Energy
N/A < 300 Any
0.075 300 - 599 200 - 399
0.150 300 - 599 600+
0.150 600+ 200-399
0.300 600+ 600+

* Values are approximate and depend on several factors.

Recovery[ | ]

Water Sources[ | ]

Various water sources can be found across maps, with varying degrees of cleanliness. These sources include:
