DayZ Wiki

This page covers the various 'Configurations for DayZ Standalone.


Basic controls layout

You'll need to familiarize yourself with the basic controls, to be able to control your character, and interact with others and the environment. You can access these from the in-game menu (Esc) and selecting controls-assignments. Additional controls can be accessed from the dropdown at the top of the control assignment menu. You can reconfigure the controls based on your own personal preferences.

The table shows the default controls-assignments of the game, found in the Options menu. Each key function can be customized.


Key Function
W / S Move Forward/Backward.
W / S Strafe Left/Right
Q / E Lean Left/Right. Double tap to toggle.
Left ⇧ Shift Hold to walk or run (whichever is not your current state). Double tap to toggle.
V Vault. Step over low obstacles.
C Stand Up
X Toggle between crouch/stand
Z Toggle between prone/stand


Key Function
LMB Fire/swing weapon
Hold RMB Hold Breath
R Reload
T Toggle Weapon mode. Automatic weapon to single shot.
Space Raise Weapon
Ctrl + Space Toggle Raise Weapon


Key Function
Tab ↹ Toggle inventory
Space Toggle lower/raise of the item in your hands
Alt Lock movement so that the mouse moves camera
↵ Enter Toggle between first and third person view
RMB Hold to zoom/focus in the camera
Scroll wheel Scroll through available actions
Scroll wheel click Select action from available actions (use scroll wheel to initiate menu). Alternatively, use 'F'.
0-9 Hotkeys for 10 slots
F Use. Alternatively, use Scroll wheel click.


Key Function
/ Open text chat channel
Caps Lock Hold to talk in voice chat. Double tap to lock voice chat on/off
F1 Wave
F2 Put your hands up (surrender)
F3 Sit down
F4 Taunt (Flip off)
F5 Clap
F6 Point
F7 Thumbs up
F8 Facepalm
F9 Taunt (Cut throat)
F10 Shhhh!


Key Function
P List of players

Changing Keybindings

As of change log 0.30.113860, DayZ SA does not offer many keybinding customizations within the game options. To view/change more keybindings, go to "C:\Users\(user-name)\My Documents\DayZ\", and open file "(steam-user-name). DayZProfile" with a basic text editor (e.g. notepad).

Video Settings

When you run the game for the first time, the auto-detect function will determine the best video settings for your hardware. To adjust your video settings, head into the Video Option menu by clicking on the Video button in the Main Menu.

Use these settings and file configs to get the best framerate: File:VideoSettingsGuide.jpg

See also: Tips for Getting Started.

Launch Options

There are a few different launch options that can be used:

Option Notes
-window Launches the game in windowed mode.
-nosplash Removes the Bohemia Interactive splash page, decreasing initial load times.
-noPause Allows the game to run in the background while not focused. Useful for window mode or alt-tabbing.
-cpuCount=x Defines number of CPUs/cores you have. Most systems are either 2 (dual-core), 4 (quad-core), or 8 (octa-core).
-maxMem =x Defines the total amount of RAM your system has. Note 128mb is hard-coded minimum; 2047mb is soft-coded maximum, any value over 2GB might result into unforseen consequences!

See also: Arma2: Startup Parameters.
